Holiday is over, shipment is normal agin, let's get ourselves a successful 2025 and increase the business of machines and parts.


A leading supplier of KARL MAYER warp knittine elements, the online shop we sell our KARL MAYER tricot, raschel, net, raschel lace, raschel bags, shade nets knitting machines spare parts and needles ... basically, KARL MAYER RJSC 4F-NE Jacquard Machines, KARL MAYER TM 4T-EL, HDR-10, MRS-25 machine, Karl Mayer RSP2 / RSP,  RS3-MSUS-V, KARL MAYER HDR10 - RDS11, RDS 11 82343, HKS3-1, RS 4 N-F LW, 103520/2010, warp knititng machiney parts and needles, sinkers, yarn guide, yarn fingers, rotary encoders, JR205-A-500-CJF encoders, sley needles, rollers assembly, bearings, connection rods, closures, tongue needles  pattern needles, eyelet needles for sale, Chinese parts and components, please feel free to contact us for a good price.

1000153288 Rubbers 1000153288 Rubbers 153288 MN-10-32-00-000  FALTENBALG 35 Piezo E18-KL500-LB63 Piezo E18-KL500-LB63 E18 ,E28, E32, KARL MAYER 343310 343310 Karl Mayer connection
453318 453318 RF-2-41-2,5-5,5/Karl Mayer Knitting Elements Knitting Elements all needles for sale LR-6/2-104-4 LR-6/2-104-4 Tube Guide, Pipe Needle
KARL MAYER KARL MAYER optical encoder, KARL MAYER Roller Assembly Roller Assembly KARL MAYER 1000295981 KL-6/6-61-23 KL-6/6-61-23 yarn guide
ML-28-93-0 ML-28-93-0 1000397427 Laying Guide 400072728 400072728 Tension Pipe L-4.77M-Ф3cm 1000106377 1000106377 Screws for Needle Blocks
LR-6-3,2-2,4-4 LR-6-3,2-2,4-4 LR-6-3,2-2,4-4 Tube Needles, Tube Guides for sale 4100008623 4100008623 KARL MAYER. oil filter 1000107079/1000145884 1000107079/1000145884 rod pushing end, ball pans
MN-5-3 MN-5-3 Positioning Blades TRICOT BEAM TRICOT BEAM forged beam 1000177065 1000177065 HKS2 MSU Rubber belts for sale
4100039507 4100039507 AF-4-6-B-70-G-S-2 takeup Roller-14.50-M6 Roller-14.50-M6 U-type Guide Wheels AF-4-6-B-70 G/S-2N AF-4-6-B-70 G/S-2N eyelet yarn finger board
Ball Shaft Ball Shaft Guide Shaft Units for sale Steel Piece Holder Steel Piece Holder a Chinese replacement 1000536786 1000536786 KARL MAYER filter 115/70/32

There are so many parts and needles, we can not get all of them listed on the website in a short period of time, if you can not find the item you need today, you are going to see them here some day in the future, welcome back, sorry that we do not have a printed catalogue yet, but, we are so happy to help you if you contact, KARL MAYER, HDR-10 Double needle raschel machines, Karl Mayer RS3-MSUS-V, RS4, shade net machine, KARL MAYER,  RS2 Bale and pallet net machines ...) we state,  any item you see on this category of our website is specially made for KARL MAYER warp knitting machines first,   some of them may be correct for Chinese machine, please contact us if you have any question.